


Modern United States culture is inundated with an unhealthy fear of bacteria. It is why antibiotics are so sought after and subsequently abused, creating a whole other set of health problems that must be dealt with. One of the biggest dangers of antibiotics is the fact that they are designed to kill all bacteria, good and bad, which is both good and bad. Before getting into the gritty details of what to expect when searching for the right probiotic supplement,…

When we think about bacteria, the first thing which comes into our minds is some kind of disease. But we are wrong, bacterias can be both good and bad. Having said that, probiotics for women are a kind of live bacteria and yeasts that are very beneficial for our body and especially for the digestive system. Here we talk about probiotics for women and how they are useful for them. Good bacteria, that are the…

The Leaky gut syndrome is becoming an increasingly common problem in the western world. The condition often goes undiagnosed by medical doctors, causing long-term gut discomfort and fatigue, as well as a myriad of other negative health conditions. The problem with seeking help for leaky gut syndrome lies in its diagnosis. It’s hard to differentiate leaky gut syndrome from other conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, Celiac disease, and food intolerances. Patients often spend…

Bacteria. The very mention of it conjures images of harmful microscopic invaders working to make you sick. Bacterial infections, bacterial illness, etc. However, not all bacteria are created equally. Just as there are certain strains that can make you incredibly sick, so too are there strains that are hugely beneficial for your overall health. Probiotics are one such type of ‘friendly’ bacteria that help to keep your gut healthy and functioning properly. What Are Probiotics?…