Following a diet plan might not necessarily mean you are following it perfectly well as it depends on the bacteria that might be in your gut.

A research was conducted on overweight people to check the number of bacteria in their guts.

A low-fat diet that was high in fiber was given to them over a period of 26 weeks and those taking a high fiber diet lost almost 11 pounds of body fat while those on a regular diet lost only four pounds of body fat.

Gut bacteria can affect your weight greatly. They can change the energy that you take from your foods.

For instance, a lot of calories from the foods of some people go waste as they have gut bacteria that are inefficient. Gut bacteria affects the feelings of hunger, insulin level, and the metabolic health.

How to keep your gut healthy?

Foods with healthy bacteria in them can help you to get smart, slim and stay healthy. The following way can help you keep your gut healthy and to keep the balance of bacteria right.

– You must avoid sugary foods and starches as bad bacteria live on the sugar. You should reduce the amount of sugar intake and starch like potatoes and legumes.

– Include the right balance of omega-3 and omega-6 in your diet as an excess of omega-6 can lead to inflammatory problems and issues in the digestive system. A good step to avoid this will be to switch from corn oil, sunflower oil vegetable oil, canola oil towards butter or coconut oil.

– Eat foods that are rich in omega-3 like wild fish and salmon. Try eating dairy from grass-fed animals.

– Avoid eating fatty foods. These foods have a lot of carbs in them and they contain a lot of hydrogenated oil which increase weight.

– Eat healthy foods like soups and stocks. These homemade stocks are made from animal bones and promote a healthy digestive system and also heal the intestinal lining.

– Fermented foods are a good option towards a healthy gut and to promote weight loss. Foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles, and chutneys made from natural fermentation are a good option.

– Supplements that are with probiotic are also a good option that promotes intestinal healing. Probiotic supplements make the gut popular with good bacteria and aid in a healthy digestive system.

gut bacteria and reduce weight

How to fix your gut bacteria and reduce weight. An excellent way to improve the gut flora.

Diets that are high in fat and calories make you gain weight and can damage the good bacteria in your system. Not only bacteria make your weight gain but also promotes inflammation.

Canola, soya bean and other seed oils are inflammatory and you should avoid them if you wish to be healthy. Try to replace omega-6 foods with healthy stuff like coconut oil, avocados, fishes, olive oil and grass-fed butter.

If you wish to reduce weight you need to follow these steps.

– Sleep deprivation is one of the reasons for facing problems in your gut bacteria. A research conducted on a few people was done in which they were made to sleep just for the 4 hours in the night.

These changes in the sleep routine showed that the people faced changes in their gut bacteria that led to metabolic problems.

This sleep deprivation led to inflammation of the fat tissue, insulin level got low and sensitive and there were definite problems in the gut. This ultimately leads to more diseases and weight gain as well.

– An addition to the weight loss plan includes practicing intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating which involves periods of fasting and periods of nonfasting.

To practice intermittent fasting you should change your eating habits and if you consume 3 meals a day then you must cut it down to 2 meals a day. Or else skip breakfast and then have a healthy lunch or vice versa.

The basic purpose of intermittent fasting is to cut down the calorie intake and cut down foods which have lots of junk and carbs in them.

Intermittent fasting has a lot of benefits including getting rid of excessive and stubborn fat, having a longer lifespan etc.

– Eating a variety of vegetables builds up a healthy routine as you have the option of getting a lot of fiber. Fiber is a good food for a healthy gut and by eating a fiber diet your weight will also be under control.

– Short term diet plans or short-term planning of healthy food is not what is going to help you. You should be very consistent in your diet as short-term changes in diet do not alter the bacterial composition.

Whatever diet plan you are following, follow it in the long term so that your gut gets used to it and can adapt to the changes.

– Going to the gym and exercising is a very good option and is great for weight loss. Exercising makes the gut bacteria to be very happy which ultimately leads to the good health of the digestive system.

– Taking probiotics supplements are also a good option as they add healthy bacteria to your diet. There are many probiotic supplements available but out of them, lactobacillus is the best ones. These supplements aid in the weight reduction process and maintain the body fat.

These strategies if followed can be the perfect ones towards a healthy gut bacteria and can lead towards weight loss as well.

Probiotic supplements and their role, do they help in gaining weight?

Probiotics supplements and probiotic foods have been very popular and with advanced research, they have known to be proven successful for the body and for good body health.

Although, more research and more experiments need to be done to understand the full concept of these probiotics we do reach some conclusion.

Probiotics and probiotic supplements are an excellent option to promote a healthy digestive system and to prevent a lot of deadly and painful diseases.

In order to avoid these problems, one should definitely include the intake of probiotic supplements every day to be healthy.

Some probiotics may lead towards an increase in weight and some studies have shown that certain probiotics might lead towards weight gain and that was lactobacillus acidophilus.

Probiotics supplements should not be considered as a full meal and they should not be taken as a substitute for the whole meal.

Rather, you should just take them on a proper diet. Solely depending on the probiotics is not a good option as it will be of no use.

Establish the use of probiotic foods and probiotic supplements in your life and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

With the help of these probiotics, you will be able to manage a healthy digestive system, a healthy vagina, a healthy bladder and so many other vital benefits that will surely help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Seven gut bacteria foods to get started

Jerusalem artichokes

A good source of inulin which is an insoluble fiber and it travels easily from the small intestine to the large intestine and into the colon eventually fermenting into a healthy flora.

There are other good sources of inulin such as bananas, leeks, onions, asparagus and many more.


Bananas are the perfect fruit to treat an upset stomach. Bananas are known to reduce inflammation due to the elevated levels of magnesium and potassium.

Bananas are also known to create peace between the bacteria by the creation of phyla.


Polenta has a high amount of fiber which has the ability to reach to the colon and ferments into many strands of the gut flora. The high amount of fiber helps in the digestion.

Broccoli and leafy green vegetables such as kale, cabbage, and cauliflower

These vegetables have substances that are then broken down by microbes and then release substances which reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of problems associated with bladder, liver, lung, colon and stomach cancer.

Gut bacteria and blueberries


Blueberries are known to improve the immunity of the human body and they taste delicious as well.

A research conducted on blueberries revealed that blueberries improve the immune system, strengthens the memory and makes the gut bacteria healthy.


Beans release short-chain fatty acids and they have this amazing ability to strengthening the intestinal cells and also contribute towards weight loss as well.

Beans also strengthen our immune system. Beans are full of fiber, vitamin B, protein and folate and they contribute towards a healthy gut.

Plant-based foods

Fermented foods normally like miso and tempeh create healthy live microorganisms who gather around all the bad bacteria and help in the absorption of minerals. These plant-based foods also improve the gut health.

These plant-based foods also improve the health of the intestinal cells, reduce the risk of cancers, and even treat diarrhea.

Try increasing the intake of these plant-based foods in order to get a strong immune system.

How do gut bacteria help to make us fat and thin

Obesity is very popular in the United States of America and the people who are obese follow an unhealthy diet.

Gut bacteria change the way that the body stores fat balances the level of glucose in the blood, and changes the way we respond to our hormones when we are feeling too hungry.

With a wrong combination and mix of microbes, there can then be the initiative towards obesity and diabetes.

How does gut microbiota affect our behaviors?

Apart from maintaining the gut health, there is huge evidence that gut microbiota plays a great role in managing our moods.

If we experience changes in the gut microbiota there is a chance of experiencing depression.

There is still a lot of research going on how exactly there have been mood swings and mood changes with the changes in the gut microbiota.

There has been further evidence of the fact that gut microbiota can also alter the gut and brain axis.

As the gut and the brain communicate through the microbiota it links the emotional gestures and actions of the brain with the intestinal functions.

It has also been noticed by an experience done on rats that those rats who consumed diets and foods in high fats and sugar, had some problems in their memories. Some memory deficits were also found and those mice were overweight as well.

Thus, gut microbiota plays a huge rule in regulating the normal behavior as well.

Probiotic foods for a healthy gut

Some of the probiotic foods that should be consumed in order for a healthy gut bacteria and in order to promote weight loss include yogurt, kefir, miso paste, kombucha tea, sauerkraut, sourdough bread, tempeh, pickles, kimchi, cultured soymilk, chocolates, lassi, Kvass and many more.

An overview of the gut bacteria and how to deal with issues related to it

There is definitely a dire need to do further research on the subject of gut bacteria and the relationship that is there between the poor diet, gut microbiota and the behaviors.

An unhealthy lifestyle, can lead to some major issues with the gut bacteria and cause immense problems in your digestive system. You need to practice how to get a healthy gut and improve your immune system.

Gut microbiota can change quickly and has the potential to grow some beneficial bacteria which can provide you with great health outcomes.

For a healthy gut, you need to eat healthy foods that are high in fiber and low in carbs and sugars.

You should have an adequate supply of fiber such as leafy green vegetables, for instance, kale, broccoli, cabbage etc. You should avoid excessive alcohol as that can ruin your gut system as well.

You should follow a good routine and a healthy regime and make exercising to be in your everyday routine.

Consume fermented foods, vegetables, bananas, blueberries as these foods are known to be very beneficial for the body and for your gut system to be healthy.


Hi, This is Sarah Martin, I am working as health blog and ebook writer. I hope you will find this piece of writing interesting and informative. Keep reading my blogs for more informative stuff.


  1. Chris Jand Reply

    Often, when I hear about bacteria, I think they are one of the worse things that could get to the human body. Contrary to my thoughts, this piece has detailed how effective gut bacteria could be when it comes to weight loss, and I can’t wait to get these gut bacteria foods.

  2. Andrea Robinson Reply

    There are a lot of concepts that are familiar here, such as avoiding sugar, increasing the Omega-3 fatty acids, and following a high-fiber diet. But what was surprising was that gut bacteria can affect mood. Americans are some of the most depressed people in the world, despite having so many advantages in terms of mobility, technology, natural resources, and wealth. We are also notorious for our poor diets. I never made the connection that gut bacteria can have such a profound effect. Also, It was a shock to find out that too many Omega-6 fatty acids can have a negative effect on the gut bacteria.

    There are lots of suggestions about foods we should be adding to our diets, like kefir, yogurt, leafy greens, and berries, all of which add to feelings of satiety, another factor in the continuous battle of the “bulge.”

    Thanks so much for adding to my working knowledge. I’ve been on the weight-loss path for a while, and I’ve been eating what I thought were the right things and wondering why progress is so slow.

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